3 types of topics - Building Business (tips & techniques), Personal / About my life, Science & Medicine
I was happily watching the Oprah, even though it was a repeat (I'm pretty sure I saw parts of it the first time). It was the one with Julia Roberts discussing Eat Pray Love the movie. Haven't seen it yet but I read the book and liked it so hey why not catch the O about it.
Where does the displeasure come in - well Julia was talking about how she has taken to knitting and sewing stuff for her kids. So far so good. It's a nice gesture to the kiddos and as she herself said, it's good for the mind to learn new things. But then she did it - she went on to say how in these trying economic times, you've got to do all you can to save. "Have you seen the price of kids clothes?" Hazel's dresses are just 2 panels sewed together - I can do that'. (I paraphrase - but it was something like that - I tried to look up the interview on You Tube but was copyright protected and the Oprah website didn't have the whole transcript available.)
Now doing sewing and knitting for your family as an expression of love - awesome. Doing it to save money - that's cool too. BUT this woman makes $10's of MILLIONS for the movies she does. Are you *&@ing kidding me? How Profoundly Insulting to the millions of Americans who are actually struggling. And that doesn't include the millions who are homeless. Or the 10's of millions of children who don't have enough to eat in the States - let alone pretty clothes. (According to the Hunger Site, 14 million children in the States live in "poverty and desolation".)
And that's just America! Worldwide - 1.02 Billion are experiencing chronic hunger (due to the current economic crisis!) with 53% of pre-schooler age children's deaths being directly attributable to malnutrition. Julia - You do NOT need deals. You are not affected by any economic crisis. Be respectful of actual people's daily struggles as opposed to rejecting the reality of the vaulted life you are privileged to live and accept.
And Oprah even backed up this sentiment of hers in her August issue of O Mag - in the "What I Know for Sure" article. She discusses wanting deals. Really? Are you kidding me? I get not wanting to get screwed over just because you have money. But it's that sentiment of not wanting to pay what something is worth that is the most insidious form of greed. That's the greed that big business uses to justify its figurative and literal enslavement of workers. More Profits - well, there are limits to everything. It's long past time we figured that out.
There's nothing wrong with paying what something is worth. Mind you, if we were really doing that natural gas, hydro-electricity, nuclear energy would include the environmental costs. Corn, wheat, dairy, beef would all cost much more - they're currently subsidized. We actually throw out more milk than we consume - because we don't produce food for consumption, we produce it for profit. But there's a cost - and the Oprah's and Julia Roberts' of the world should at least be willing to acknowledge that there's a gap. AND that they, of all people, can afford to pay it!
I bought 4 boxes of the 100 calorie Oreo wafers. I like them and there was a double coupon offer so, hey, yeah 4 boxes. It wasn't until I was prepping for a home show for You Get Well Soon that I noticed that of these boxes that I had bought ONLY 2 months ago 3 had already expired. So I thought I'd check out all the snacks I could find in Costco that would otherwise be appropriate for the business. Lo and behold, not 1 and I mean that literally, not 1 had a date later than November. Most had September. September? It's August!
I was in the health food store and heard the clerk speaking with a customer about how if everyone in the world ate the way we did (in North America) the Earth would run out of food in just a few years. But the more I thought about it the more I was angered. It's not the way we eat it's got much more to do with the fact that we don't grow food for consumption we grow food for profit. Every grocer has to have 'enticing'displays so that we'll buy their food. How much waste is involved in that process? And when we don't buy - it all goes to waste. What about the food we do buy? Do we eat all of it or isthere waste in that process too? This doesn't even include restaurants - even more waste. We are training ourselves, our children and the rest of the world to waste food at a rate many times (orders of magnitude) higher than that at which we consume.
And so I am brought back to the expiry dates. It would seem as though the producers of the snack foods mentioned in the first paragraph are not experiencing enough waste - because clearly waste = profits. It must, right? If the food expires before the store can sell it - it's tossed (at a loss) and then the store will have to order more. And so the cycle continues. It's a SCAM and it's time we as consumers started talking to not only our local stores, news and everyone we know. It's time we took the argument to the producers - not only by not buying their products (because we're talking about pretty much all snack food producers) but directly talking to them. Letting them know that we're on to them and we want honesty - not scams.
If food packaging was really that poor - for snack foods in particular - than none of us would be alive today to be scammed. Expiry dates on snack foods is a pretty new phenomenon. So we who are older than 10 years old have eaten food from the pantry (that had been there for more than 2 months - I can almost guarantee it) all of our lives. I have had such food and I know it was more than a year old. And guess what - tasted great. It is highly unlikely that the packaging available has gotten less effective over the last 30 or 40 years. So what is the difference? The manufacturers have realized a new way to increase their profits - WASTE.
Nothing makes me more crazy that waste - especially when it's for no reason. If it makes you crazy too - I Want to hear about it. We can stop this - but first we have to be aware. Then let those in the biz know that not only are we on to them - but we won't stand for it!
Help me out on this one and we'll all benefit!