Naturally these charts are really simplified and I've included a more accurate one to give an idea of how variable the timing of release is expected to be.

Now all 4 of the main hormones interact with each other in complex feedback loops. (Eating 1 oreo causes you to want more oreos - that's a kind of like a feedback loop. I know it isn't a negative one for me. I've never had 1 oreo and thought - well that's going to stop me from eating any more.)
It's crazy complex and I have no doubt that there's still lots for the 'scientific' community to learn but just for a couple of examples:
from wiki: "LH receptors are also expressed on the maturing follicle that produces an increasing amount of estradiol", "the oestrogen rise [with follicle maturation] leads via hypothalamic interface to the positive feedback effect, a ... LH surge that triggers ovulation, thereby not only releasing the egg but also initiating the conversion of the residual follicle into a corpus luteum that in turn produces progesterone to prepare the endometrium for a possible implantation."
from Rocky Mountain Analytical (a hormone detection company): estradiol is needed "for the proper function of progesterone receptors and maintenance of the right balance between estrogens and progesterone" which is "crucial for hormone health."
Because sex hormones are produced by influencing hormones made in the pituitary gland (FSH, LH, thyroid stimulating hormone i.e. TSH - stimulates thyroid to produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine which in turn affect adrenal function), hypothalamus (thyrotropin-releasing hormone - controls TSH production), adrenal glands (testosterone - which in turn affects estrogen) and ovaries. It is an enormously complex web that the pill disrupts. This little look into the body is enough to tell me that indiscriminately mucking with it is not going to be without consequences.
And so it comes around again - consequences. Side effects. All prescriptives have them. We tend to ignore them but our bodies do not have that luxury. It is no wonder that late night television is swamped with adverts to sue drug companies. I think that part of this trend is due to a lack of full disclosure on the part of the doctors. Time constraints and the pervasive thought that patients cannot handle the volume or detailed-aspect of the information leads many doctors to gloss over the whole story (as it is known to them, and they may not have all of the most current published info at their fingertips). And so big drugs are specifically targetted for law-suits. Check out these links for details regarding suits against Yaz, Celebrex and Nasonex.
I write these blogs to put info out there. If it helps someone, that's great. An even better outcome from these posts would be to inspire others to check out the issues they have on reputable websites to better know what they are taking and why. A little information can lead to foolish choices or it can bring about questions. Questions could lead to dialogue and maybe better answers from your doctor.
Good luck!
Brought to you by You Get Well Soon.
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